Thursday, May 31, 2007

Storm needs help!!

Occasionally, I will read some of the stories on the 'Chin Wag Forum' which is part of eBay. It is a place where people can go to talk about an issue they may be having, or to ask others question's or for their opinions about a particular subject.

A couple of weeks ago this story caught my eye, it was posted by an Auntie who had rescued her little niece from another state. Her niece had been severely neglected by her father who is always drunk and stoned. This little girl , Storm (who is now 10) was abandoned by her mother when she was a nine month old baby and raised by her dad around his biker mates and has had a very tough life.
For the last four months Storm has been living with her Auntie , Uncle and their children in a loving, stable environment for the first time in her life and desperately wants to stay there permanently.
This was fine with her father until he found out that his government benefits would stop! He is now threatening to turn up and take Storm back. Storm and her Auntie are anticipating this happening daily and are living off their nerves, as he has a history of violence. Unfortunately there is not a whole lot that can be done to stop him until after the fact and this family needs legal advise fast ..... However, there is something that we can do to help Storm ...

This was the post that made me read on.........

Well after a 14 hour round trip yesterday, we finally have her!!!!!!!And am I glad we have done this!!!!!She as grown a lot since I last saw her that is for sure She has bought her whole world with her.....all 4 very small plastic bags of it.She has hardly any clothes and what she has got I will have to get rid of and replace, they are disgusting!!!Her hair is severely infested with lice and I mean severely, it has clumps of eggs, not just the odd one here and there,her hair moves with them running around on her head, she said that she is made to treat herself.....what (just) 10yr old can treat themselves for head lice properly?????????? NONE!!! She shouldn't be doing it herself, no wonder she has them so bad!!!I got to speak with her counselor that she was seeing till my brother pulled her out (he doesn't think there is anything wrong with her)This lady was a huge help and believes 100% that she has been abused and that she has a mental disorder of some kind.OMG, some of the things she told me would curl your hair.Apparently I am going to have to watch her around my 4yr old as she likes to grope other little girls (you know where)I rang my brother last night to let him know we were home safe and he was really drunk and going around saying to his friends that he raised her for 10yrs now it is our turn to do it for the next 10, he was too drunk to talk to her, he asked who was on the phone and when told he just said "Oh" and walked off.No....are they all OK, is she OK...nothing.Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!He is talking about leaving town for as long as he wants, the G/F said that they should have her back on the April Hol's for a visit and he said "No, we won't be back by then"I will book her fully into Telera today and start this road to recovery.This poor child, she is just a product of her up bringing, fingers crossed within a year she will be a lot better.

PS This has been posted with the permission of Storm's Auntie.

Here is the link you can click on it and read her story.

Every little bit helps.